DR and Business Continuity - Templates & Policies

DRP Recap and Results Template

Summarize and present key findings and recommendations from core DRP exercises and documents.

BCP Tabletop Planning Template

Use this template to document the output of the BCP tabletop planning exercise and build a recovery workflow.

DR Solution Executive Presentation Template

Garner executive buy-in by clearly documenting the DR solution analysis process and establish a strong business case for any investments.

Organizational Learning Guide

Identify lessons learned from a crisis or crisis management plan testing exercise.

DRP Recovery Workflow Template

Build your own current state and desired state DRP recovery workflow based on Info-Tech's template.

BCP Notification, Assessment, and Disaster Declaration Plan

Create a process for notification, damage assessment, and disaster declaration procedures that integrate with your business continuity and crisis management plans.

BCP Recovery Workflow Example

Use this example BCP recovery workflow to support your own planning efforts.

Disaster Recovery Test Plan Template

Use this template to document a DR test plan.

BCP Summary

Summarize your organization's continuity capabilities and objectives in one easy-to-consume document.

DR Test Plan Passive Testing Handbook

Identify and document all the resources necessary to support the facilitator during a passive DR test.
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