Infrastructure & Operations - Blueprints

Implement a Transformative IVR Experience That Empowers Your Customers

IVR approaches are being reimagined across industries as the desire to improve the customer experience becomes a primary focus. Use this deck to learn the proper...
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Exploit Disruptive Infrastructure Technology

As a CIO, there is a need to move beyond day-to-day technology management with an ever-increasing need to forecast technology impacts. Not just from a technical...
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Domino – Maintain, Commit to, or Vacate?

​Believe it or not, Domino and Notes are still options to consider when determining a migration strategy. With HCL still committed to the platform, there are options...

Engineer Your Event Management Process

Reduce response times to solve (potential) incidents when system performance degrades. Build an event management practice where infrastructure and operations can rely on...
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Transform Your Field Technical Support Services

With remote work becoming a normal employee offering for many organizations, self-serve/self-solve becoming more prominent, and a common call out to improve customer...

Document Your Cloud Strategy

The cloud is a multifaceted concept with lots of upside, but lots of potential downside as well, if used improperly. This blueprint will help you bring stakeholders...
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Define Your Cloud Vision

This blueprint reviews the characteristics, pros, and cons of cloud services, helping readers understand when to employ software-, platform-, and...
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Adding the Right Value: Building Cloud Brokerages That Enable

Increasingly, large institutions and governments are adopting cloud-first postures for delivering IT resources. Combined with the growth of cloud offerings that are able...

Drive Technology Adoption

Enormous amounts of IT budget are allocated to projects each year, but once the project is over, how do you manage the change and ensure the systems are being used?...

Prepare for the Upgrade to Windows 11

Windows 11 is a step forward in endpoint security and functionality. Windows 10 is living on borrowed time, with a defined end of support date of Oct. 14, 2025....
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