Peer Mentoring Guidelines

Use this set of guidelines to help learners leverage the advantages of peer mentoring.

Storyboard: Manage Stakeholder Relations

Design a stakeholder management plan and a communication plan to tailor your approach for maximum success.

Storyboard: Optimize the Mentoring Program to Build a High Performing Learning Organization

As workforce composition shifts, mentoring programs must move beyond the traditional senior-junior format option. Organizational culture and goals will dictate the best...

Stabilize Release and Deployment Management – Phases 1-4

Organizations are struggling to keep current with the constant release of new deployments, patches, and updates. Use this blueprint to help you assess gaps in your...

Custom Vendor Landscape: Financial Audit Management Software

Financial audit management software allows organizations to audit financial statements, expenses, transactions. It helps identify any potential risks such as suspicious...

Implement an IT Employee Development Plan

Today, operating environments change quickly, and it is critical that IT departments develop the competencies employees need both today and in the future. Do this...
  • guided implementation icon

Feedback and Coaching Guide for Managers

Use the Feedback and Coaching Guide as a handy reference tool on how to provide meaningful feedback that will inspire change, and how to coach employees towards achieving...

Innovation Case Study of a Fast-Growing Municipality

A fast-growing municipal region serving a population of over one million sought to move the current organizational culture towards innovation through better-supported...

Release and Deployment Management Metrics Tool

This tool should be used to monitor key performance indicators and report the success of your release and deployment management process to stakeholders.

Mentoring Agreement Template

Use the Mentoring Agreement Template to ensure understanding and agreement between both parties of the mentoring relationship.
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