Applications - Tools

Data Integration Mapping Template

Use this customizable template to map the data flows that will be occurring between databases, applications, and cloud services.

Cloud Data Integration Appropriateness Assessment Tool

This tool will help you determine whether or not data integration (DI) is required at your organization, the type of tool needed to support your DI needs, as well as the...

Data Integration Tool Readiness Assessment

Data integration (DI) tools provide a wide array of both business and IT benefits, but they are not for everyone. Use this readiness assessment tool to determine if DI...

Data Integration Solution Evaluation & RFP Response Tool

This tool is pre-built with the essential criteria that should be considered when evaluating RFP responses. Use this tool to put hard numbers behind vendor claims, and...

Customer Service Knowledge Management Platform Vendor Shortlist Tool

Use this tool to generate a customized shortlist of vendors based on the capabilities your organization requires in a Customer Service Knowledge Management (CSKM) platform.

Enterprise BI RFP Scoring Tool

For organizations that have issued a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) using Info-Tech's BI RFP Template, gathering and scoring the various responses can be difficult and...

Application Integration Method Selection Tool

Use this tool to find the ideal integration method for each of the organization's integrations.

Data Integration Build vs. Buy TCO Calculator

The Data Integration Build vs. Buy TCO calculator provides enterprises with a framework for comparing the cost of hand-coding to that of buying a new software package.

ECM Evaluation and RFP Response Tool

Keep vendor evaluations objective with Info-Tech's Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Evaluation and RFP response tool, and put hard numbers behind ECM vendor claims.

Mobile Application Type Assessment Tool

Organizations are under greater pressure to engage a growing customer audience that will potentially access, use and buy products and services via mobile devices. Use...
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