Enterprise Applications - Storyboard

Turn Share of Voice Growth Into a Strategic Weapon Storyboard

This blueprint shows how building a strong Share of Voice can increase a company's market share. It provides guidance and tools to create and execute campaigns.

Build Competitive Intelligence to Improve Sales Win Rates – Phases 1-3

This blueprint shows how using product management can significantly increase win rates and measure the success of CI team funding from management.

Create Assets to Accelerate the Buyer Journey Storyboard

This blueprint helps content marketers create an asset strategy that accelerates the buyer journey.

Improve Win Rates with a Sales Enablement Strategy Storyboard

Sales enablement aims to improve the performance of your sales team to increase revenue. This blueprint helps sales and marketing operations diagnose the maturity of...

Build a More Effective Brand Architecture Storyboard

This blueprint helps create a coherent brand architecture, enabling easy launches of new products and services, preparing for acquisitions, and modifying brand strategy....

Get Started With Customer Advocacy Storyboard

This storyboard will help leaders of customer advocacy programs get started with developing a formalized pilot program that will demonstrate the value of customer...

Social Media Management Software Selection Guide Storyboard

Connecting through social media is an essential way to engage with your customers. Identify the best tools that suit your social media management needs.

Accelerate Business Growth and Valuation by Building Brand Awareness Storyboard

Inspired by top-performing businesses and best practices, this Blueprint provides the guidance and tools needed to successfully build awareness and help businesses grow.

Select an Enterprise Application Software Storyboard

Selecting and implementing an ERP is the most expensive and time-consuming technology transformation an organization can undertake. Effectively plan for, select, and...

Customer Service Management Software Selection Guide Storyboard

The pandemic and growing younger demographic have shifted the terrain of customer service delivery. Customer service management tools ensure organizations enhance...
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