XMPL Notification, Assessment, and Declaration Plan

Author(s): Ken Weston, Frank Trovato

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Use this example to guide your own DRP documentation creation. This material is based on the workshops and advisory services Info-Tech has provided to our clients, and is based on a fictitious medical organization. This document details XMPL Medical's procedures for event detection and disaster declaration, including:

  • How outages will be detected, including after hours
  • Who is first notified of a possible outage
  • How business users and incident response teams are notified
  • Key facts that must be determined through a damage assessment to inform the decision on whether to declare a disaster
  • Criteria that will be used to declare a disaster
  • Steps to be taken to activate the DRP if a disaster is declared

This template is a part of the XMPL Medical Case Study DRP.

Note: These files cannot be used as your own DRP.

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