Virtualization and iSCSI a Match Made for SMEs

Author(s): John Sloan

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Server virtualization and iSCSI storage area networks (SANs) both have a sweet spot in enterprises of 100 to 1000 employees. It should not be a surprise then that a growing number of iSCSI-based network storage solutions are supporting server virtualization projects. This research note examines the overlapping trends of both virtualization and iSCSI storage in 100 to 1000 employee enterprises. Discussions include:

  • Why a storage area network is important for building a flexible virtual infrastructure.
  • How both virtualization and SAN storage fit in the 100 to 1000 employee market.
  • Why both virtualization and storage vendors see this market as a major opportunity area.
  • Key issues of concern with iSCSI and virtualization.

A strong trend toward virtualization and consolidation is providing a trigger point for many enterprises to purchase a SAN. Increasingly, that SAN will be an iSCSI solution. However, Info-Tech warns that a SAN purchase should be considered in a broader strategic context of which virtualization of servers is only one valuable part.

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