Threat Preparedness Using MITRE ATT&CK® – Phases 1-3

Author(s): Isaac Kinsella

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Info-Tech has developed an approach to analyzing and identifying the various attack tactics and techniques that are facing an enterprise. This approach is built on the foundations of the MITRE ATT&CK® framework. In tandem with the considerations from the Cloud Security Alliance, Info-Tech has created a threat preparedness workbook to highlight the threat vectors that are facing your enterprise.

  • Learn about potential attack vectors and the techniques that hostile actors will use to breach and maintain a presence on your network.
  • Analyze your current protocols versus the impact of an attack technique on your network.
  • Discover detection and mitigation actions.
  • Create a prioritized series of security considerations, with basic actionable remediation items. Plan your next threat model by knowing what you’re vulnerable to.

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Threat Preparedness Using MITRE ATT&CK®

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