Text-Based Customer Support Project Charter Template

Author(s): Evan Destunis, Ben Dickie

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Use your charter as a project management tool. Use this master document to centralize the critical information regarding the objectives, staffing, timeline, budget, and expected outcome of the text-based customer support project.

Prior to project launch, prevent confusion by creating a clear plan that outlines the essential information and project steps.

Consider the common pitfalls, which were mentioned earlier, that can cause IT projects to fail. Plan and take clear steps to avoid or mitigate these concerns.

  • Build project management in at the beginning.
  • Document the project manager and sponsor of the project.
  • Identify resourcing, including constraints.
  • Identify the project’s timeline and document timeline.
  • If possible, document the budget for the project and the approved investment budget.
  • Outline the steps and outcomes of each stage of the project.
  • Plan how critical business stakeholders will be engaged and identify how their buy-in and support will be maintained.
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