Storyboard: Take Control of Compliance Improvement to Conquer Every Audit

Author(s): Josh Mendelssohn, Dana Tessler


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The need to optimize and improve a compliance program is generally initiated in response to a new or changed regulatory requirement or industry standard, because of a mandate from the business which requires some degree of guidance over a new initiative, or due to an impending audit which requires some level of input from IT. Approaching compliance initiatives in a reactive manner results in unnecessary risk to both the organization and the IT department.

  • You need to initiate the drive to conform with regulations and improve compliance.
  • You need to consistently assess the regulatory and business landscape to determine your compliance gaps.
  • You need to improve compliance and remediate non-compliance in an effective, tactical manner.
  • You need to confirm and assure compliance through regular adherence checks.

Approach compliance proactively and derive value from the process by managing your compliance initiatives using a constant cycle.

Info-Tech’s framework presented in this blueprint is compliant with COBIT MEA03 – Monitor, Evaluate and Assess Compliance with External Compliance.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Take Control of Compliance Improvement to Conquer Every Audit

Don’t gamble recklessly with external compliance. Play a winning system and take calculated risks to stack the odds in your favor.

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