Tailor IT Project Management Processes to Fit Your Projects – Phases 1-5

Author(s): David Lee, Travis Duncan, Barry Cousins

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As an organization, you need to improve project success. Your current project management processes are poorly defined, and projects are commonly plagued by cost and scheduling overruns. This lack of project management discipline contributes to stakeholder dissatisfaction and fuels the perception that IT does not deliver value.

This blueprint will help you take best practices in project management and tailor them to work for your projects, because best practices aren’t always the best fit. Improve your project success and throughput by right-sizing your project management processes according to the size of your projects and the risk that they carry by following our five-phase methodology:

  1. Define project levels and categories
  2. Establish a lightweight project management process for small projects
  3. Create fully featured project initiation and planning processes for larger projects
  4. Develop fully featured project execution and closing processes for larger projects
  5. Implement your standard operating procedures for project management

Create project management success for your organization with Info-Tech's approach.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Tailor IT Project Management Processes to Fit Your Projects

Right-size PMBOK for all of your IT projects.

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