Sprint Toward Data-Driven Culture Using DataOps – Phase 2: Assess Your Data Practice for DataOps

Author(s): Rajesh Parab

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This phase analyzes DataOps using Info-Tech DataOps use case framework, will help you to identify the gaps your data practices that map all data use cases that need to be matured to truly realize DataOps benefits including data integration, data security, data quality, data engineering, and data science. This phase consists of the following steps:

  1. Evaluate DataOps capabilities
  2. Develop alignment strategies and improvement plans
  3. Create a roadmap and plan of action for DataOps

This phase will help you to identify gaps in various of your data practice from culture, automation, and people standpoint and helps you prepare a comprehensive roadmap to mature DataOps practice.

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Sprint Toward Data-Driven Culture Using DataOps

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” - Peter Drucker

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