Select and Implement a Web Experience Management Solution – Phase 3: Plan the WEM Implementation

Author(s): Ben Dickie, Evan Destunis

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Plan your WEM implementation by creating a plan outlining how the solution will be integrated into the organization's current IT landscape, populated with the organization's data, used by IT and business users, and managed on an ongoing basis. Following the proper configuring and integration of the work breakdown structure tool, you can then begin to transition to smooth operations.

As you plan your implementation, we recommend you:

  • Refine your solution's architecture
  • Install and configure the solution
  • Import the business's organizational structure
  • Train IT
  • Create data retention policies
  • Hand over to operations

In order for these steps to be successful, recognize change management concerns and create a communication and engagement plan that will support the adoption and management of your organization's WEM solution. Once your solution has been implemented and you have begun, continue to adapt and monitor your solution. Perform WEM and recovery testing to ensure data is successfully protected.

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