Satisfy Digital End Users With Low- and No-Code – Phases 1-3

Author(s): Andrew Kum-Seun

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Low- and no-code are social tools. They empower and enable everyday end and business users to be more involved in the software delivery lifecycle. This capability also motivates the business and IT to adopt and enhance collaboration practices to ensure trust, respect, accountability and humility are embraced. This blueprint will help you build a low- and no-code practice by following our three-phase approach:

  • Select Your Tools
  • Deliver Your Solution
  • Plan Your Adoption

Tailor your low- and no-code practice so they address your key delivery and digital objectives and challenges, can achieve your vision, and provide enough guidance to motivate, support, and empower to fully leverage low- and no-code among all digital users.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Satisfy Digital End Users With Low- and No-Code

Extend IT, automation, and digital capabilities to the business with the right tools, good governance, and trusted organizational relationships.

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