Reimagine Learning in the Face of Crisis Storyboard

Author(s): Evan Hughes, Catherine Schroeder, Elysca Fernandes, Christine Penhale


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It's understandable that the instinct of most organizations is to prioritize all HR efforts towards emergency work. However, it's important to remember that learning & development is an essential function and provides many benefits to the organization and its employees. Leverage the challenges you are facing to rethink the approach to L&D and how it can better support a new world of work now and in the future. This research will help you:

  • Prioritize
  • Reimagine
  • Transform

Use this storyboard to develop a new approach to learning in the face of a crisis.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Reimagine Learning in the Face of Crisis

Act quickly to provide learning that supports shifting priorities.

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