Project Success Assurance Capstone

Author(s): Travis Duncan

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Our Project Success Assurance Service uses best practices for supervising major projects.

Whether it is to supplement an existing third-party vendor/consultant engagement or to aid on a top strategic project, our project management experts and industry SMEs will work with you at a set cadence, at major project milestones – and ad hoc as required – to provide assistance, guidance, and course correction recommendations.

Over the course of your membership, our team will meet with you at an established cadence to review the following:

  • We will review your critical project’s health using our Sixteen-Point Project Inspection Framework.
  • You will work with our experts to review and improve key project documentation.
  • We will deliver a Critical Project Review Report that provides assurance and guidance for project success and that can be shared internally with the team as well as with executive stakeholder audiences.

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Project Success Assurance

Work with an independent Info-Tech advisor to help guarantee the success of your critical project.

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