Optimize Project Intake, Approval, and Prioritization – Phase 2: Build New Optimized Processes

Author(s): David Lee, Travis Duncan, Barry Cousins

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Take a deeper dive into each of the three processes – intake, approval, and prioritization – to ensure that the portfolio of projects is best aligned to stakeholder needs, strategic objectives, and resource capacity. This phase will take you through the following activities:

  • Streamline intake to manage stakeholder expectations.
  • Set up steps of project approval to maximize strategic alignment while right-sizing the required effort.
  • Prioritize projects to maximize the value of the project portfolio within the constraint of resource capacity.

Use this phase as part of the full blueprint, Optimize Project Intake, Approval, and Prioritization.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Optimize IT Project Intake, Approval, and Prioritization

Decide which IT projects to approve and when to start them.

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