Navigate the EMV Liability Shift – Phase 4: Plan the EMV Implementation

Author(s): Larry Fretz, Viktor Popov

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This phase can either be costly and long or less expense and not as long. Take your pick. Our perspective is that you will inevitably want to have a smooth transition into an EMV-compliant POS solution that will enable you to improve the customer experience whilst reducing payment risk. As such, this phase of the Navigate the EMV Liability Shift blueprint will help you:

  • Estimate conversion and down time.
  • Develop a staff transition plan.
  • Teach your staff about the payment transaction process changes that will occur as a result of EMV migration.
  • Create a plan to install the right software and hardware at the right place, time, and quantity.
  • Build your EMV implementation timeline.

If planned correctly, EMV deployment becomes much easier. Then, you can focus on all the benefits enabled by the solution rather than the hassle of a prolonged implementation.

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