Move/Add/Change Request Form

Author(s): Laura Hansen-Kohls, Timothy Hickernell, Stewart Bond

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Help end users navigate the move/add/change process. Use the Move/Add/Change Request Form if they wish to do any of the following:

  • Move a desktop system (e.g. PC, telephone) or peripheral (e.g. printer, scanner) to another location.
  • Add/disable an employee account (network, e-mail, voicemail).
  • Add/remove a service to/from an existing employee account.
  • Add/remove a new employee desktop system.
  • Add/remove software or hardware to/from an existing desktop system.
  • Change an employee's name or other personally identifiable information in the system.

Have end users fill out this form, or use this form as a basis for your own form, and increase efficiency and organization for MAC requests.

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