Mature and Scale Product Ownership Readiness Assessment

Author(s): Hans Eckman

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Using Info-Tech’s CLAIM model, quickly determine your organization’s strengths and weaknesses preparing for a product culture. Use the heat map to identify key areas.

This template captures:

  • Culture: Collaboration, Embracing Change, and Empowerment
  • Learning: Support, Enrichment, and Improvement
  • Automation: Repeatable Processes, Asset Management, and Tool Chain
  • Integrated Teams: Stability, Estimation, and Subject Matter Expertise (SME)
  • Metrics: Team Performance, Outcome-Based KPIs, and Decision Making
  • Governance: Key Milestones, Risk Based Governance, and Integrated Enforcement

View the Complete Blueprint:

Mature and Scale Product Ownership

Strengthen the product owner role in your organization by focusing on core capabilities and proper alignment.

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