Lead Scoring Workbook

Author(s): Jeff Golterman

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The Lead Scoring Workbook serves as the holding document for the different elements from the Optimize Lead Generation With Lead Scoring storyboard. Use each assigned tab to input the relevant information to build and test your lead scoring methodology.

Use this workbook to:

  • Identify lead scoring thresholds by which you will ignore, nurture, further qualify, or send your scored leads to sales.
  • Identify your ideal customer profile attributes, define the subattributes, and weight each.
  • Identify the assets and activities that compose your lead generation engine, define subattribute values, and weight each.
  • Run tests against your scoring model and iterate thresholds and weightings to arrive at your lead scoring model.
  • Print your final results to make transcription into your lead management app easier.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Optimize Lead Generation With Lead Scoring

In today’s competitive environment, optimizing Sales’ resources by giving them qualified leads is key to B2B marketing success.

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