IT Strategy Workbook

Author(s): Manish Jain

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This tool guides an IT organization in its journey of building an IT strategy aligned with its organizational strategy. Starting with the goal cascade visual, it leads to the prioritization of key initiatives and the development of the IT strategy roadmap.

Use this tool to methodically align your IT strategy with the organization's strategy and create key IT strategy visuals for the executive presentation. This tool accompanies the Build a Business-Aligned IT Strategy blueprint and its industry-specific adaptations.

The video walks you through different components of the IT strategy workbook and helps you understand how to leverage them best.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Build a Business-Aligned IT Strategy

Success depends on IT initiatives clearly aligned to business goals, IT excellence, and driving technology innovation.

Deliver an IT Strategy Engagement

Produce a boardroom-ready IT strategy that is aligned to your customer’s business goals and drives innovation and digital transformation.

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