Storyboard: Optimize Social Media Strategy by Service

Author(s): Timothy Hickernell, Ben Dickie, Amanda Robinson


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Integrating the right social media services into your business is often a neglected component of building (or optimizing) a social media strategy. Begin with an assessment of your business goals and determine where your target markets play. The “big four” social media services aren’t always the best place to target your efforts: concentrate on niche services that are heavily used by your target consumers. It’s better to deeply engage with ten than get a passing “like” from ten thousand! Conduct a regular services audit to ensure that you’re using the right social services.

This research will help you:

  • Understand the specific business value of several major social media services, and the target demographics and use cases for each.
  • Build a strategy that incorporates the right service mix for reaching business goals across marketing, PR, sales, customer service, and HR.
  • Future-proof your social media strategy by creating a repeatable audit program for identifying and capitalizing on new social media services and trends.

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