Social Media Services Audit Template

Author(s): Timothy Hickernell, Ben Dickie, Amanda Robinson

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The Social Media Services Audit Template helps your organization assess the performance of each service against your organization’s social media goals during regular checkpoints. The tool also provides a template for conducting external analysis to determine which services your business isn’t present on, but should be. Lastly, this tool provides a template for determining how to move forward once you establish which services should be added and subtracted.

This template includes sections such as:

  • Strategic Assessment
  • Opportunity Assessment
  • Assess the Current Situation
  • Proposed Future State
  • Next Steps

This tool is intended for both an IT and a business audience. It is recommended that a small team of two to three people complete the service audit template, preferably two business stakeholders and one person from IT.

Use this tool in conjunction with the Optimize Social Media Strategy by Service storyboard.

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