IT Culture Diagnostic

Author(s): Tracy-Lynn Reid

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The tool provides an objective view of the extent to which your department’s culture falls under each of the four culture types (Competitive, Innovative, Cooperative, and Traditional) and which of the four is the dominant culture. The tool also indicates which policies, procedures, and behaviors are not aligned with your organization's dominant culture and recommends actions to become more aligned.

The analysis you conduct here is the first step to adjusting IT culture to improve employee engagement. By identifying your culture type, you can rid the IT department of any inconsistencies within it (e.g. a reward program that does not appeal to the type of employees that your culture attracts). Once you have determined your department's culture type, use the corresponding storyboard to understand the inherent challenges, learn how to minimize those challenges, and find out which initiatives to implement to align the IT department more closely with the dominant culture and improve engagement.

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