Improve Application Development Throughput – Phases 1-3

Author(s): Alex Ciraco

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The business expects your development team to be constantly able to deliver new products and services within tight deadlines and budgetary constraints. However, they are often burdened with manual and unnecessary work and wait times that are delaying releases. This blueprint will help you realize the key inefficient areas driving up your release times and tailor lean development best practices to your context by following our three-phase methodology:

  • Conduct a Current State Analysis
  • Define the Lean Future State
  • Create an Implementation Roadmap

This blueprint is intended to help you streamline your development process, whether you are looking to fully transition your organization to lean or investigating today's best practices to remove unnecessary work and slow execution times.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Improve Application Development Throughput

Drive down your delivery time by eliminating development inefficiencies and bottlenecks while maintaining high quality.

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