Implement Desktop Virtualization and Transition to Everything as a Service Storyboard

Author(s): Michael Battista, Michael Rosehart


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Desktop virtualization redefines how desktop computing is perceived and delivered. To increase your chances of success, break the implementation project into three parts:

  • Assess the current state and strategy. Look at the current desktop delivery model. What you can do in future depends on what you currently do.
  • Run a pilot implementation, not just a proof of concept. A true pilot should be a microcosm of the future implementation. Take the opportunity to test assumptions and infrastructure requirements.
  • Communicate and rollout your desktop virtualization solution over time. A big-bang approach will lead to more grief than success. Take the time to gather feedback and incorporate lessons learned into the implementation plan.
Implement the right desktop virtualization for your organization - for the right people, with the right performance, and at the right price. 

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Implement Desktop Virtualization and Transition to Everything as a Service

From VDI to DaaS, desktop virtualization is back. Choose the right solution, then develop an implementation plan that balances user experience, infrastructure complexity, and total cost.

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