HRIS Readiness Assessment Checklist

Author(s): Suanne McGrath-Kelly, Ilia Maor, Jenna Schroeder, Mohammed Alsakka

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Info-Tech has designed this HRIS Readiness Assessment Checklist to ensure your organization has completed essential tasks prior to moving forward with the HRIS project and presenting the final deliverable.

Review each question in the checklist and answer yes or no. Once completed, evaluate your answers. Allocate efforts towards the tasks that have not yet been completed. Once all tasks are completed, move forward with the project.

The Readiness Assessment will make sure you have the following project elements in place:

  • Understanding of goals and objectives
  • An effective project team
  • Measurable goals
  • Executive sponsorship and buy-in
  • An HRIS methodology
  • Risk management plan
  • Change management plan
  • Understanding of technical drivers
  • High-level understanding of cost and budget

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