Service Benefits


Increase the Grant Application Quality

Write a competitive grant funding application that that will stand apart from the other applicants and increase the Agency’s interest in awarding your organization the grant.


Verify Funding Objectives Are Feasible

Avoid the mistake of pursing a funding opportunity that cannot be feasibly implemented by your organization if the successful recipient.


Get Imperative External Feedback

Obtain feedback from an external source that can validate the clarity of the application objectives and provide a different perspective on potential populations that could be impacted by the project being funded through the grant.


Have Confidence Grant Aligns With Organizational Priorities

Ensure that the grant funding opportunity being pursued aligns with the IT priorities of the organization.

Grant Application Review

Our Perspective

Set Your Organization Up for Grant Funding Success

Organizations need to select grants that align with their organizational goals, spend sufficient time and resources on the application creation, and assess the organization’s readiness to implement the funds if successfully awarded the grant.

Tell a Story With Your Grant Application

Grant writing is like telling a story. There should be a beginning, middle, and end, where the reviewer is introduced to a problem, understands the solution, and is inclined to support your organization in meeting its goal. Make the reviewer want to see the ending come to fruition by funding the initiative.

Write Grant Applications for Critical Initiatives

Set your organization up for grant writing success by pursuing a funding opportunity that is related to an initiative or project that you would fund regardless of whether you received the grant or not. If it’s that critical of an initiative, you can highlight its value better.

Service Overview

Review the Funding Opportunity Announcement

Review the funding opportunity announcement (FOA) to understand what the Agency is asking for in the application.

Score the Grant Application

An initial scoring of the grant application will take place to ensure standard specific requirements are being met.

Discuss the Grant to Organization Alignment

Speak with an analyst to ensure that the grant application is aligned with the organization’s IT priorities.

Complete Scoring and Provide Feedback

Receive feedback and gain insight into opportunities to improve the grant application prior to submitting.

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