Enabling Product Delivery – Executive Workshop Storyboard

Author(s): Hans Eckman

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Enabling Product Delivery is a one-day executive workshop to develop a common understanding and foundation for product management, so as leaders we will better understand how to lead product owners, product managers, and their teams.

  • Understanding Your Top Challenges: Define the drivers for your transition to product-centric delivery.
  • Transitioning From Projects to Product-Centric Delivery: Identify the cultural, behavioral, and leadership changes needed for a successful transformation.
  • Enterprise Agility and the Value of Change: Leverage smaller iterations to reduce time to value and accumulated risk on core operations.
  • Defining Your Products and Product Management in Your Context: Tailor product management to meet the needs and vision of your organization.
  • Connecting Product Management to Agile Practices: Optimize product management to prioritize the right changes for the right people at the right time.
  • Commit to Empowering Agile Product Teams: Embrace the leadership and cultural changes needed to empower and support teams.

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Enable Product Delivery – Executive Leadership Workshop

Strengthen product management in your organization through effective executive leadership by focusing product teams on core capabilities and proper alignment.

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