Dodge These Five Data Migration Disasters

Author(s): George Goodall

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Upgrading or migrating enterprise data is a challenging task. A failed transition can rapidly consume IT resources and threaten ongoing business operations. Project success requires an understanding of five common pitfalls and the use of a rigorous process. Use Info-Tech's best practices to avoid data migration disasters.

When Migrations Go South

A successful migration takes careful planning. Problems generally have five different sources:

  1. Insufficient understanding of the source and target systems.
  2. Little experience in conducting migrations.
  3. Evolving systems undergoing modification or development concurrently with data migration.
  4. Overly complicated data validation schemes that force IT staff to conduct myriad tests rather than focus on the overall process.
  5. Legacy infrastructure is maintained after the new system is implemented. Keeping the old system active leads to double entry of data and re-keying errors, and it frustrates training initiatives for new employees.

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