Data Center Move Issue Resolution and Change Order Template

Author(s): Melanie Davy

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Data center relocation or consolidation teams experience many obstacles throughout the planning and execution phases of relocation or consolidation. It is important to collect and record issues, their resolutions, and the lessons learned from the process to improve upon in future projects.

Complete with examples, this template will help you:

  • Collect and record issues and resolutions.
  • Document key lessons learned.
  • Identify and assess areas for improvement.
  • Document change requests and approval.

This template is to be used to log problems and solutions in one document to review before the next move takes place.

Avoid making the same mistakes twice by changing processes that didn’t work the first time.

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Consolidate Your Data Centers

Benefits from data center consolidation are not guaranteed. Effective planning is the key to capture consolidation benefits.

Move a Data Center

Moving the data center is best described as a controlled disaster where minute-by-minute planning is critical to success.

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