Buyer Persona and Journey Interview Guide and Data Capture Tool

Author(s): Jeff Golterman

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The Buyer Persona and Journey Interview Guide and Data Capture Tool provides you with over 36 questions on buyer persona and over 40 questions on buyer journey to help you get started quickly gathering buyer insights. There's blank space for up to 15 interviews and a work-space to summarize findings. Findings can then be pasted into the Buyer Persona and Journey Summary Template for easy presentation back to your team.

Use this tool to:

  • Quicken your buyer interview process by using the 75 questions already enclosed and modifying them to fit your needs.
  • Use as a data capture tool while interviewing buyers.
  • Use the "summary space" to summarize findings from individual interviews.
  • Easily copy and paste summaries back into the Buyer Persona and Journey Summary Template for fast and easy communication to working team, steering committee, and others.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Create a Buyer Persona and Journey

Make it easier to market, sell, and achieve product-market fit with deeper buyer understanding.

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