Build, Buy, or Shut It Down Workbook

Author(s): Joanne Correia

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This workbook is crafted to help product leaders identify their needs and facilitate the practical evaluation and choice of potential product lines to build, buy, or shut down.

This workbook helps you:

  • Use an interview guide method to critically evaluate your strategy and objectives, including examples of potential questions and their corresponding answers.
  • Determine your company's criteria to develop, purchase, or discontinue a product.
  • Implement the interview guide technique to systematically appraise various products that could enhance your company's offerings.
  • Create a structured list outlining the profiles of top-priority products or potential partners that align well with your company's needs and potential.
  • Formulate a proposal that clearly articulates the essential aspects of the desired relationship or partnership based on your company's key priorities.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Build, Buy, or Shut It Down

Make tough decisions when it comes to your products.

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