Empower the Venue of the Future With IoT

Understand how IoT can provide value back to the business and what IoT applications currently exist. Analyze the specific applications through a value chain analysis to...

Establish a Holistic Guest-Facing Mobile App Strategy

To truly accomplish the ideal “phygital” mobile app experience, operators must first understand the time and resources required to enable, develop, and maintain a mobile...

Address the Digital Divide in K-12 Education

Read this report to address equity in technology for students in K-12 education. This report looks at solutions to the two primary issues of connectivity and devices.

Standardize the Service Desk of Managed Service Providers

Leverage this storyboard to standardize and modernize the service desk of MSPs that delivers high customer satisfaction and experience. A standardized service desk...

Kick-Start a Unified Service Recovery Management Strategy

Use strategic management principles and a systematic approach to begin the baseline for a service recovery strategy while effectively kick-starting the strategy with the...
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Non-Durable Goods Manufacturing Industry Reference Architecture

This industry reference architecture provides a capability-driven analysis and template that can be used to guide the decision-making process while undergoing...
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The Use of Chief Digital Officer in Gaming & Hospitality

Gaming and hospitality organizations lag in focus on a truly digital role. As your organization shifts to an omnichannel platform business, the role of IT needing to...

Interoperability Primer and Playbook for Public Health and Healthcare Organizations

This research is designed to help public health and healthcare organizations overcome several challenges by focusing on standards-based interoperability to optimize...

Adapt Governance to Align Educational Technology With Faculty Needs

This strategic research describes the major changes to instructional technology happening in higher education. It makes the case for certain best practices to help IT...

Understand the IT Implications for the Enrollment Cliff

After years of growth, the higher education industry is now entering a period of contraction. In the US, enrollment is expected to decline due to a lower birth rate,...
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