Many organizations do not have an incident response plan, and those that do often forget to include a communications plan, leading to time loss while trying to create one...
Read this executive brief to understand why communications planning needs to part of your incident response plan.
This blueprint will help you to develop an effective strategy for communicating with internal and external stakeholders during a security incident, as well as how to...
This phase of the blueprint, Master Your Security Incident Response Communications Program, will help you understand the benefits and challenges and get the...
This phase of the blueprint, Master Your Security Incident Response Communications Program, will help you to develop strategies for both internal and external communications.
Use this template to facilitate communication between the various departments that make up the Security Incident Response Team.
Test your incident response communications plan by running these sample scenarios.
The use of a tabletop exercise is an excellent way to test the effectiveness of an organization’s overall security program, the investment of technology controls, and the...
Read our Executive Brief to understand why you should design a tabletop exercise to support your security operations to evaluate the effectiveness of your security...
The use of a Tabletop Exercises is an excellent way to test the effectiveness of an organizations overall security program, the investment of technology controls, and the...