Design a Tabletop Exercise to Support Your Security Operation – Phase 3: Develop

In order to ensure a seamless and well facilitated tabletop exercise, time needs to be dedicated to create briefings, guides, reports, and exercise injects.

Design a Tabletop Exercise to Support Your Security Operation – Phase 2: Design

To properly design a tabletop exercise, organizations must review their existing threat landscape and incident history in order to identity topics, scope, objectives.

Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations – Phase 1: Plan for a Threat Intelligence Program

Assess your organization's unique threat landscape, current capabilities, and define an ideal target state.

Vulnerability Scanning Tool RFP Template

Looking for a vulnerability scanning tool? Use this Request for Proposal (RFP) template to get you started.

Security Incident Management Runbook: Distributed Denial of Service

Align the response procedures with Phase 2 of the Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program

Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations – Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should implement a threat intelligence program, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can...

Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations – Phases 1-4

Intelligence-driven computer network defense is a risk management strategy that addresses the threat component of risk, incorporating analysis of adversaries, their...

Threat Intelligence Project Charter Template

Management buy-in is key to establishing an effective threat intelligence program. The approval indicates that security is top-of-mind and that the process aligns with...

Threat Intelligence RACI Tool

Assign responsibilities to the threat management process.

Implement Risk-Based Vulnerability Management – Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should design and implement a vulnerability management program, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the...
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