Threat Intelligence & Incident Response - Templates & Policies

Vulnerability Scanning Tool RFP Template

Looking for a vulnerability scanning tool? Use this Request for Proposal (RFP) template to get you started.

One-Page Emergency Incident Response Plan

Use this tool to develop an emergency incident response plan on a single page.

Ransomware Payment Policy Template

Use this template to create a ransomware payment policy BEFORE you're faced with a difficult decision. This policy will guides your decision based on criteria you've...

Tabletop Exercise – Extended (Ransomware Template)

Adapt this tabletop planning session template to plan and practice the response of your leadership team to a ransomware scenario.

Ransomware Resilience Summary Presentation

Summarize your organization's current resilience and present a prioritized project roadmap to improve ransomware prevention and recovery capabilities.

Vulnerability Management Workflow

The workflows in the Standard Operating Procedure are provided in this raw working file for you to edit as needed.

Vulnerability Management SOP Template

As you are defining or improving your process, be sure to document it. This template provides a starting point in maintaining a detailed standard operating procedure.

Ransomware Readiness Summary Presentation Template

Summarize your organization's current readiness and present a prioritized project roadmap to improve ransomware prevention and recovery capabilities.

Ransomware Tabletop Planning Results – Example

Leverage tabletop planning to develop an effective and practical response plan that captures the steps staff in your organization would need to execute to prevent and...

Ransomware Response Runbook Template

Use this example as a starting point to document detailed ransomware response steps, from detection to recovery.
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