Threat Intelligence & Incident Response - Templates & Policies

Threat Intelligence Malware Runbook Template

Threats can be categorized into runbooks for which a standardized response process can be defined, eliminating inconsistency and ambiguity while increasing operational...

Threat Intelligence Alert and Briefing Cadence Schedule Template

Formalize a monthly cadence schedule to actively collaborate both internally and externally with the necessary threat intelligence stakeholders.

Security Incident Management Policy Template

Info-Tech's Security Policy templates allow you to easily develop new policy documents.

PDA Usage Policy

The PDA usage policy outlines standards for connecting to company network(s) or related technology resources via any means involving mobile devices that are categorized...

Endpoint Encryption Solution RFP Template

Issuing RFPs is a critical step in your vendor selection process. This RFP template comes populated with important elements you don't want to forget. A detailed RFP saves...

North American Electronic Waste Laws

A number of legislative issues can pose a liability to organizations that fail to properly dispose of obsolete computers and other electronic equipment. Use this document...

Data Center Access Policy

The data center access policy will outline the standards for regulating access to the company data center(s).

Anti-Virus Policy

The anti-virus policy provides a computing network that is virus-free; this policy provides instructions on measures that must be taken by company employees to help...

Document Retention Policy

The document retention policy ensures that copies of certain documents for legal, regulatory, and/or operations reasons are made, committing companies to good business...

Instant Messaging Usage and Security Policy

The instant messaging usage and security policy outlines the standards for the usage of, and security controls associated with, corporate instant messaging.
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