Security Technology & Operations

Build a Vendor Security Assessment Service – Phase 2: Develop Assessment Methodology

This phase of the blueprint, Build a Vendor Security Assessment Service, will help you develop procedures and tools to assess vendor risk.

Service Risk Assessment Questionnaire

Use this tool as part of the blueprint, Build a Vendor Security Assessment Service, to assess the risk associated with purchasing a product or service.

Vendor Security Questionnaire

Use this tool as part of the blueprint, Build a Vendor Security Assessment Service, or on its own to develop a questionnaire for potential vendors to assess their...

Vendor Security Assessment Inventory

Use this tool as part of the blueprint, Build a Vendor Security Assessment Service, or on its own to inventory vendors and the results of their security assessments.

Build a Vendor Security Assessment Service – Phase 3: Deploy and Monitor Process

This phase of the blueprint, Build a Vendor Security Assessment Service, will help you implement the process and develop metrics to measure effectiveness.

Embed Security Into the DevOps Pipeline – Phase 2: Develop Strategy

This phase of the blueprint, Embed Security Into the DevOps Pipeline, will help you develop an implementation strategy for getting to DevSecOps.

Embed Security Into the DevOps Pipeline – Phases 1-2

This storyboard will help you transcend traditional application security approaches and embrace the agile mindset to shift security left towards DevSecOps.

Embed Security Into the DevOps Pipeline – Phase 1: Identify Opportunities

This phase of the blueprint, Embed Security Into the DevOps Pipeline, will help you brainstorm potential opportunities for securing DevOps.

Embed Security Into the DevOps Pipeline – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand DevOps and how to secure the development pipeline.

DevSecOps Implementation Strategy Template

This template is designed to be used to develop a DevSecOps implementation strategy.
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