Design and Implement a Business-Aligned Security Program Storyboard

This document will guide you on how to understand what makes your organization unique and design a security program with capabilities that create business value.

Design and Implement a Business-Aligned Security Program

Laying the right foundations for your security program will inform future security governance, strategy, and architecture decisions you need to make and give your...
  • guided implementation icon

Security Program Design Tool

The Security Program Design Tool will help you tailor the security program to what makes your organization unique to ensure business-alignment.

Security Program Implementation Tool

The Security Program Implementation Tool will help you assess the current state of different security program components and plan program improvements.

Security Program Design and Implementation Plan

The Security Program Design and Implementation Plan will help you collect the results of your security program design efforts. Use this tool in conjunction with the...

Security Governance Model Tool

This tool will help you determine governance and management accountabilities and responsibilities and use them to build a visual governance and management model.

Security Governance Model Templates

The purpose of this tool is to help you visualize your organization’s information security governance structure.

Threat Landscape Briefing – July 2023

This monthly recording covers topics such as cyber threat and regulatory trends, nation states, cybercriminals, and hacktivists campaigns, data breaches, control...

Threat Landscape Briefing – August 2023

This monthly recording covers topics such as cyber threat and regulatory trends, nation states, cybercriminals, and hacktivists campaigns, data breaches, control...

Deliver Customer Value by Building Digital Trust

Digital trust has emerged as the new digital currency, surpassing customer experience as the top strategic priority, and has become the bedrock for all personal and...
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