Security - Research Notes

WikiLeaks – Vault 7 Releases

What do the Vault 7 releases mean for you? (And what do they NOT mean.)

Integrate Threat Intelligence Into Your Security Operations – Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should implement a threat intelligence program, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can...

Blowing up the status quo: Brexit will impact IT in the UK and beyond

The Brexit vote says Leave. UK-based IT leaders must start to plan for a potentially new era of trans-border data flow and the availability of IT staff. Those in the rest...

Leverage Threat Intelligence for Your Organization in Five Steps

These five steps will take you through what you need to know to use threat intelligence to improve your organization’s overall security, no matter what your level of...

Lenovo, Superfish, MITM attacks, and SSL Interception: the Bigger Picture

Lenovo’s strategy to pre-install the Superfish application on some consumer devices was fundamentally irresponsible and a squander of customers’ trust.

Don’t Be Shellshocked - Eliminate the Security Risks of Shellshock Quickly

Eliminate the security risks of Shellshock quickly. A brief research note for Info-Tech’s members.

Avoid the Next Heartbleed

This is a brief research note for Info-Tech’s members about the Heartbleed bug, i.e. the first security vulnerability with worldwide impact and response. Understand which...

Peer Survey Results Overview April 2011

Info-Tech recently conducted several surveys for our research projects. This document is a high level summary of those results and an introduction to the resulting research.

Quick Wins Save 5% Now!

Do you need to make a difference this week? This month? Take a look at these tactics and tools to build your guerilla plan.

Top Level Domain Authorities Implementing DNSSEC

On May 5, 2010 top level domain authorities, such as ICANN, VeriSign, and others will implement the first phase of a DNSSEC (Domain Name System Security Extensions)...
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