Security - Research Notes

APT10 & Operation Cloud Hopper – Exposing a Global Cyberespionage Campaign

Your managed IT service providers may be leaving you vulnerable.

The Shadow Brokers – Details on Leaked Cyberintelligence Tools and Vulnerabilities

This Info-Tech briefing will provide a synopsis of what the Shadow Brokers leak might mean for users and organizations, and what actions can be taken in response to this...

Build Your Security Operations Program From the Ground Up – Executive Brief

Security operations require a strategy because different processes need to collaborate and build upon each other to be effective. Read this Executive Brief to understand...

Develop a Security Operations Strategy – Executive Brief

Read our Executive Brief to understand why you should transition from a security operations center to a threat collaboration environment.

WikiLeaks – Vault 7 Releases

What do the Vault 7 releases mean for you? (And what do they NOT mean.)

Don’t Be Shellshocked - Eliminate the Security Risks of Shellshock Quickly

Eliminate the security risks of Shellshock quickly. A brief research note for Info-Tech’s members.

Discover and Classify Your Data – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand why data classification is an initiative for the entire organization and how this blueprint can help simplify the process.

Implement Risk-Based Vulnerability Management – Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should design and implement a vulnerability management program, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the...

Lenovo, Superfish, MITM attacks, and SSL Interception: the Bigger Picture

Lenovo’s strategy to pre-install the Superfish application on some consumer devices was fundamentally irresponsible and a squander of customers’ trust.

Avoid the Next Heartbleed

This is a brief research note for Info-Tech’s members about the Heartbleed bug, i.e. the first security vulnerability with worldwide impact and response. Understand which...
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