Project Management Office - Templates & Policies

PPM Solution Vendor Demo Script

Use this template to prepare a script that can be used to guide PPM solution demonstrations and briefings offered by vendors. Having questions prepared will help ease...

PPM Suite Deployment Communication Plan Template

Use this template to record your communication plan for the deployment period.

Resource Management Strategy

Use this template to record your resource management strategy decisions.

PPM Suite Deployment Timeline Template

Use this template to outline the high-level timeline and major milestones for the preparation, deployment, and post-deployment stages. Establishing a long-term view will...

EPMO Capabilities Survey

Perform our EPMO Capabilities Survey to assess executive needs and to ensure that leadership expectations are clearly set.

Time-Tracking Survey Email Template

Use this template to send regular time-audit survey updates.

PMO Mandate and Strategy Roadmap Template

Use this template to communicate your PMO's course of action to stakeholders and senior executives with the goal of demonstrating value and achieving buy-in.

PPM Suite Functional Requirements Document Template

Use this template to record project-related and resource management functional requirements for the new PPM suite. This template also records where key PPM data is...

Minimum-Viable Project and Portfolio Management SOP

Rather than just another project document, make your SOP the key to your survival guide.

Deliver Engaging Portfolio Reports With Power BI – Comprehensive Business Case

This financial forecast template allows you to document the costs and benefits of your project as an ROI forecast.
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