Project & Portfolio Management - Storyboard

Fund Innovation with a Minimum Viable Business Case – Phase 1: Create a Solution to Someone’s Problem

This phase of the blueprint, Build a Minimum Viable Business Case, will help you design an effective value proposition for the solution you intend to develop.

Set a Strategic Course of Action for the PMO in 100 Days – Phase 3: Solidify Your PPM Goals

Use this phase to effectively triage the current state of your PPM capabilities to help inform the right long-term course of action for the PMO.

Set a Strategic Course of Action for the PMO in 100 Days – Phase 4: Formalize the PMO's Mandate

Capitalize on your window of influence in your first 100 days to get stakeholders on board and aligned. Use this phase to help communicate the value of your PMO to the...

Set a Strategic Course of Action for the PMO in 100 Days – Phase 1: Survey the Project Landscape

Success in your new role as PMO leader depends on getting to know what you don’t know, quickly. Use this phase to get up to speed quickly on key PMO considerations.

Set a Strategic Course of Action for the PMO in 100 Days – Phases 1-4

Use this storyboard to communicate a strategic vision for your PMO, get the right people behind you, and establish buy-in for a long-term PPM strategy. All in 100 days.

Set a Strategic Course of Action for the PMO in 100 Days – Phase 2: Gather PMO Requirements

The path to understanding your PMO’s role runs through a labyrinth of stakeholder expectations. Use this phase to help perform a thorough stakeholder outreach exercise to...

Prepare to Successfully Deploy PPM Software – Phase 3: Prepare PPM Resource Requirements and Deliverables

This phase of the blueprint, Prepare to Successfully Deploy PPM Software, will help you provide clearer definition to specific resource management functional requirements...

Prepare to Successfully Deploy PPM Software – Phase 4: Provide Preparation Materials to the Vendor and Implementation Professionals

This phase of the blueprint, Prepare to Successfully Deploy PPM Software, will help you plan how to engage your vendor/consultant by communicating your functional...

Prepare to Successfully Deploy PPM Software – Phase 2: Prepare Project-Related Requirements and Deliverables

This phase of the blueprint, Prepare to Successfully Deploy PPM Software, will help you provide clearer definition to specific project-related functional requirements and...

Prepare to Successfully Deploy PPM Software – Phase 1: Create a Preparation Team and Plan

This phase of the blueprint, Prepare to Successfully Deploy PPM Software, will help you engage in purposeful and effective PPM deployment planning by clearly defining...
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