Google Cloud Announces New Storage Growth Plan for Cloud Storage

Google Cloud has announced its new Storage Growth Plan to enable enterprises to avoid the cost volatility associated with Cloud Storage. This does not alleviate the need...

The Intelligence Cloud? The US Intelligence Community (IC) Announces Multi-Cloud Push

The US Intelligence Community (IC), including the CIA and NSA, has an obvious need for the latest analytical technology. That exists in the public cloud. The IC...

Cloud Strategy Document Template

Use this template to document your cloud strategy. Follow along with the sections of the Document Your Cloud Strategy storyboard and complete the template as you go.

Build a Cloud Security Strategy – Phase 2: Prioritize Initiatives and Construct a Roadmap

This phase of the blueprint Build an Cloud Security Strategy will help you prioritize and roadmap action items to better secure the cloud.

Azure Stack HCI: A Cloud for Cloud Skeptics?

If Microsoft’s Azure is a swim in the cloud pool, and Azure Stack is a paddle in the shallow end, Azure Stack HCI is a toe dip. For some organizations, that is just...

"We Won't Lock You In, We Promise": Google's Anthos Platform

Google touts the avoidance of vendor lock-in as a key benefit of its new Anthos platform.

Google Markets Anthos as Big Red Easy Button

Google claims its Anthos product is the easy button of cloud services. Will Anthos be able to provide enterprises with the full value of cloud without the work?

AWS Outposts: The Cloud Can’t Do It All

AWS is making a hybrid play with its upcoming Outpost offering. Outposts show that even with the current state of technology, the cloud simply isn’t suitable for all...

Lots of “Cloud Benefits” Aren’t Cloud Benefits

Lots of so-called cloud benefits aren’t really cloud benefits. They’re benefits of well-run infrastructure that you can get in your own data center.

Shift From Amazon Glacier to Amazon Glacier Deep Archive and Save (S3) Buckets of Money

Amazon Glacier is hardly an expensive storage option. But for those users who store massive amounts of rarely needed data, it may not be worthwhile. Enter Glacier Deep...
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