Cloud Security Strategy Template

This template, part of the blueprint Build a Cloud Security Strategy, will serve as a repository of information about your approach to securing the cloud.

Build a Cloud Security Strategy – Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out why you should build a cloud security strategy, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support...

Build a Cloud Security Strategy – Phase 1: Explore Security Considerations for the Cloud

This phase of the blueprint Build an Cloud Security Strategy will help you identify the action items the organization can take to better secure the cloud.

Dynatrace Offers Service to Improve SDLC

APM vendor Dynatrace is offering a service to help its customers improve their SDLC. This offering aligns with an overall shift in the IT marketplace.

Dynatrace Extends End-to-End Monitoring to Business Value

Dynatrace offers digital business analytics in addition to full stack end-to-end monitoring. The tool’s capabilities work to bridge the gap between infrastructure &...

Dynatrace Differentiates Through Ease of Deployment

Dynatrace differentiates its APM solution through ease of deployment. As IT environments continue to become more complex, leading enterprise software vendors will improve...

Box Announces Work-From-Anywhere Policy for Employees

Box CEO Aaron Levie recently announced that the company will allow employees to “work from anywhere” until January 2021.

Microsoft Announces Server-Side Encryption for Azure Managed Disks, Customer-Managed Keys Included!

Microsoft’s announcement that server-side encryption with customer managed keys for Azure Managed Disks is now available is welcome news for security-minded public cloud...

Microsoft Announces Expansion of Azure Canadian Infrastructure, Offers Data Residency and High Availability

In January, Microsoft announced what it’s calling “the largest expansion of its Canadian-based cloud computing infrastructure” since 2016. Additional availability zones...

Google Cloud Introduces a Premium Support Offering – What Took Them So Long?

Google has announced a premium support plan for its cloud customers, promising a 15-minute response to the highest severity tickets. Google’s cloud has long struggled...
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