Tackling Opportunities & Challenges in an Increasingly Disruptive Market in the Organic Consumer Products Industry

IT can play a key role in helping organizations in the organic consumer products industry overcome challenges in an increasingly disruptive market to meet the growing...

Business Continuity Management and Security Integration in the Retail and Wholesale Industry

Retail/wholesale organizations that build robust business continuity management plans (herein referred to as BCM plans) will increase their enterprise resilience. Take a...

Baking Cybersecurity Into the Cannabis Industry

The cannabis market is undergoing explosive growth in all directions. Traditional strategic approaches to information security are unlikely to keep up in an era of...

Don’t Let Your Supply Chain Be Held for Ransom

Whether you sell cakes or electronics, if your strategy relies on optimizing inventory then success relies on your supply chain. But what happens when your suppliers are...

“Man is born free, and everywhere he is in (supply) chains”: The logistics blockchain

Retailers and international shippers are already using blockchain technology to track their supply chains. In using a decentralized network to verify digital...

Transform the Grocery Store Supply Chain With Blockchain

Blockchain is poised to disrupt grocer supply chains by authenticating products, validating item freshness, and ensuring food quality. The blockchain of food can enable...
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