Use this tool to help establish clear action steps and create a communication plan based on your action steps.
Use the Implications Checklist to understand the IT implications based on tribal nation context through the lens of eight perspectives.
Use the Capabilities Assessment Template to assess your tribal nation's current IT organizational design and readiness capability levels.
Use the Operating Model Pros and Cons Analysis Tool to brainstorm specific pros and cons of the various IT operating models for your tribal nation’s IT organizational...
Identify, prioritize, and reflect on grant funding opportunities for your tribal nation.
Leverage an architected view of Public Health Practice business capabilities to realize measurable core function and essential services business outcomes and unlock...
A comprehensive list of business-aligned health information management and health information technology solution sets including diagnostics, blueprints, workshops,...
A tool to create an Agile project burndown chart.
Map your traditional gating artifacts to Agile delivery.
Use this workbook to conduct an impact analysis to assess the impact of existing critical technical debt in your IT environment.