GIS Maturity Assessment Tool

Use this tool to assess your current overall GIS maturity level and the percentage of completeness of individual processes.

Target GIS Maturity Reference Sheets

Use this tool as a simple reference when creating the criteria and goals for your target GIS maturity.

Requirements Inventory Tool

This tool is designed to record details on the information products and data sets of your tribal GIS system.

NATRC Digital Strategy Readiness Assessment

Use this tool to document your activities and continually adjust the potential initiatives that your nation is considering and any challenges that could come with those...

NATRC Stakeholder Analysis Tool

Use this tool to analyze the how stakeholders' influence and involvement in the strategy will impact their support for the strategy and create a working group leveraging...

NATRC Digital Strategy Gap Analysis Tool

Use this tool to understand whether your tribal nation is prepared to move forward with digital strategy creation and be successful.
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