Modernize Data Architecture for Measurable Business Results – Phases 1-3

Develop a data architecture practice that includes both traditional and modern architecture elements in order to support your organization's present-day data requirements...

Excel Through COVID-19 With a Focused Business Architecture – Healthcare

The healthcare version of the blueprint. Use this if only the healthcare industry is in scope.

Agile Enterprise Architecture Operating Model – Phases 1-3

Use Info-Tech's step-by-step approach to develop an EA operating model that is based on your strategies and reflects the way your stakeholders are working.

Excel Through COVID-19 With a Focused Business Architecture – Higher Education

The higher education version of the blueprint. Use this if only the higher education industry is in scope.

Excel Through COVID-19 With a Focused Business Architecture – Manufacturing

The manufacturing version of the blueprint. Use this if only the manufacturing industry is in scope.

Create Stakeholder-Centric Architecture Governance Storyboard

Traditional EAM addresses only the IT – 10% of an organization. This research presents another approach – a decentralized EAM based on the belief that architecture is a...

Enterprise Architecture Trends Report

The trends in this report impact and are impacted by enterprise architecture.

Excel Through COVID-19 With a Focused Business Architecture Storyboard

Use this blueprint to reshape your business architecture for post-COVID-19 success. This is the main blueprint with all industries covered.

Create a Right-Sized Enterprise Architecture Governance Framework – Phase 6: Architectural Standards

Define architecture standards to facilitate information exchange, improve collaboration, and provide stability. Develop a process to update the architectural standards to...

Create a Right-Sized Enterprise Architecture Governance Framework – Phase 4: EA Governing Bodies

Set up EA governing bodies to provide guidance and foster a collaborative environment by identifying the correct number of EA governing bodies, defining the game plan to...
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